Thursday, January 22, 2015


"You have one count of a genetic mutation called MTHFR. Which means your body can't process folic acid and you can come in and do more testing for...."

The voice on the other end of the line trailed off in my mind. I couldn't hear anything more. I put up a mental block, hung up, and melted into tears.

"They found something" was all I could say.

I tried to do some reading online and felt so overwhelmed by all of the information that I clicked the X and went on about my day. I felt lost. It was bigger than me, so I gave up.

I finally sent the doctor's office an email asking for the test results in a PDF so I could look at it myself. Yes, there it was, I was positive for one count of the MTHFR c677t mutation.

I gathered the courage to go online and read some more, and though I still felt overwhelmed, I found myself actually feeling the slightest flicker of hope. I found a wonderful site that has the basic protocol for people with the c677t mutation.

Sometimes I still feel completely lost and overwhelmed, but I'm learning to make decisions and adjusting to living, detoxing, and healing with an end goal in mind.

MTHFR is linked to early miscarriage, but there really isn't any protocol for dealing with it with traditional doctors. From what I found online, usually when you get pregnant your OB will give you a large dose of folic acid, baby aspirin, and/or Lovenox (a drug). In reality, people with this genetic mutation cannot process folic acid, and need it's natural form (folate) instead. MTHFR is related to blood clotting disorders, which can cause the miscarriages.

So, there is hope. And we continue to search and pray to find a Doctor who can help me work through this MTHFR mutation naturally.

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